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World of Warcraft – Drop items in the auction house for gold

The art of trading items or buying low, selling high on the World of Warcraft auction house has always been a great way to get extra gold. Although it is very effective, it carries many risks. Before you start switching, you need to make sure you know your server market. If you don’t have a firm understanding of the prices of the items you’re going to sell, you can get burned very easily. Prices on the World of Warcraft auction house change quite a bit from week to week or even day to day. The best thing to do is get a plugin as an auctioneer, auctioneer, or master of trading skills. You can also create a spreadsheet or memorize a set of items you want to work with. I would advise watching prices for at least a week before putting in a lot of gold. If you don’t do your research, you might log in and see what you think is a deal only to realize afterward that the price you bought them at was well above the average price and you only sell a few or possibly none before being marked down to a how big and with no hope of getting his gold back.

Once you know what your servers average price is for an item, you can take advantage of listed items much cheaper than they should be.

One of my favorite things to flip is volatile. You can get really good deals on these if you log in early in the morning. Many times there will be stacks larger than 200 listings for 1-2 gold below the average price. I will buy them and then divide them into smaller piles of 30, 10 and singles and put them up for sale again. Making a profit of 1 or 2 gold doesn’t sound like much, but when you buy 3 stacks of 200 and sell them all for 1 or 2 gold a piece more then you buy them for 600g of profit. Now the volatiles are a little different than other items because you can sell 600 of them in a day since they are used for so many different things and people will buy 30 to 100 of them at a time.

The main items you want to target for flipping are those items that are used for crafting. This would include any of the clothing, leathers, herbs, minerals, enchanting mats, gems, or volatiles. If you already have a lot of gold, you can go for some of the higher end items like epics and pets or rare recipes. These items are much more risky, but if you’re lucky enough to find a deal, you can earn hundreds or even a few thousand gold on 1 item.

Another thing to look for is items that you can break down, such as a greater essence. You might see Greater Cosmic Essense selling for 10g a piece, but Lesser Major Essense selling for 5 gold a piece. A Major Cosmic Essence breaks down into 3 Minors, so right there you can make 5 g for every Major you break down. This can also work in reverse if 3 Less costs less than 1 Major. Pristine hides are another great item. It takes 10 heavy wild hides to make 1 pristine hide. If you buy 10 of the heavy leather for 50-100g, less than 1 hides all of your benefit.

This is just one of the many World of Warcraft gold crafting techniques that you can easily do to enhance your gaming experience.