Arts Entertainments

Best Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends

Jokes to Tell Your Friends

Funny jokes are always a hit with kids, teens and adults alike. They can make us laugh when we’re feeling down and can even help put a smile on our face during a long day. But there is an art to telling a good joke, with the right setup, build and punchline, you can get a room full of people laughing and smiling. While some jokes require a longer storyline and more time, there are also plenty of short one-liners that can still have you and your friends rolling on the floor laughing.

If you’re in need of some quick best jokes to keep the fun going, we have compiled a list of the best funny jokes for kids, tweens, teens and adults that are sure to get a laugh out of anyone in earshot. From dad jokes to corny puns, these hilarious quips are perfect for sharing IRL or on social media.

What do you call a cow that can’t make milk? A milk dud. What do you call a cat that takes a nap on a Xerox machine? A copy cat. What do you call a person who doesn’t like carbs? A lack-toast intolerant person. Why did the pony get sent to his room? Because he wouldn’t stop horsing around.

Best Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends

Why did the polar bear save its money? Because it wanted a warm home to sleep in. Why did the skeleton go to the dentist? Because it had a toothache. Why did the skunk wear its perfume to the dance? Because it didn’t want to stink.

You’ll have to see these funny jokes for yourself to believe them, but if you love these one-liners as much as we do, then you might want to check out our complete list of 100+ more funny jokes to share with your friends IRL or on social. These clean jokes are a great way to lighten up any conversation, and they’re especially helpful if you’re trying to avoid using bad language or offensive humor.

If you know of any other good jokes, be sure to add them to our list of the best funny jokes for kids, teens and adults. And don’t forget to share these quips with your friends, family, co-workers and followers on social! Which one of these clean jokes did you like the best? Let us know in the comments below.

All of these jokes are safe for kids to tell, but you should always be a responsible adult when sharing them with younger children. If a joke is too scary or inappropriate for a child to tell alone, then you should supervise that child as they say it. Please note that some of these jokes may contain swearing, so it’s best to use them sparingly if you’re working with young children or sensitive adults.