Digital Marketing

SEO articles after Google Panda updates

As a dutiful student of online marketing, you have been creating content for your websites, trying to please the master, i.e. Google. However, after the recent updates, it seems that pleasing the master just got a bit more difficult!

Google Panda Update and SEO Articles

In February 2011, Google introduced the Google Panda update with the intention of improving the quality of search results. As a result, many sites with lots of ads and low-quality content began to fade. They were replaced by quality content based sites, social networking sites, news sites, etc. In this way, Google gave an indication that previously used SEO content writing techniques including keyword stuffing, rotation, etc. were out of the window. If you want to achieve good SERPs, you need to create SEO articles that are meaningful and don’t need to be too “selling”.

So what do you do to create effective articles that will please the search engines?

Content based on keyword group

For starters, forget about creating content based on a single keyword. Now you need to focus on a group of related keywords. Since you can’t have SEO articles on a single keyword that get featured everywhere, you have to work with synonyms and other related keywords as well.

write for your readers

Make the writing style more natural and less forced. This implies that you should write for the readers and not for the search engines. When you keep the readers in mind while creating the content, you would surely get a reaction from the readers which would mean better visibility for your articles and also more sharing. Such activities can help your content gain visibility and achieve higher SERPs.

Avoid excessive links

When you want to link a certain article to another page on your website, you are required to place anchor text links in various parts of the article. This is definitely a good activity, but don’t overdo it. Excessive linking just to try to improve SEO will not do any good.

Keep your content length

Many websites have multiple short pages created with 150-300 word content, but that won’t help anymore. Google has noticed that many webmasters use this technique to create multiple SEO articles and keyword based pages in an attempt to move up the Google SERPs. To counter this, Google now gives more credit to content that is at least 400-500 words long and may have enough information to keep readers engaged.

You can easily follow the steps above and see the difference in your SERPs. Most of these techniques are basic foundations for good SEO content writing that should have been followed even before the Google Panda update, but if they weren’t, now is the time to do it!