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Innovative SEO Strategies You Can Use to Optimize for Your Specific Keywords

Building a perfectly optimized page

Most people involved in SEO know that there is no single strategy you can employ to create the perfect web page. However, a combination of smart approaches can bring you closer to this goal. The recommendations we are going to discuss today are not all based on scientifically proven tactics; some techniques are also based on experience and hunches. To make sure these SEO strategies work for you, we suggest testing and adjusting your techniques frequently until the process yields satisfactory results.

The following optimization categories should receive your full attention: HTML header tags, their URLs, body tags and their internal links, placement on the site, and page architecture.

The HTML header tag

The HTML header tag is the space where authors enter information about a document, such as the title, description, keywords, etc.

• Titles: The first word(s) of your title must be your keyword/phrase. If you can’t use your keywords first, try to incorporate them as close to the beginning of the title as possible. The faster they are used, the more influence they will have on your ranking.

• Meta descriptions – Even if meta tags aren’t really relevant to boosting rankings, your descriptions should include your keyword(s). Web users will immediately recognize if your website is relevant to their search. If so, it will greatly improve your click through rate and website traffic.

• Robots meta tag: This tag is intended to give users one last chance to keep their content out of search engine services and indices. If used, the content of this page will not be picked up by search engines, nor will the links be followed.

• Canonical URL tag – By reducing a URL to its most basic value, which is still valid for its content, canonical URL tags prevent potential duplication or accidentally added URL strings from becoming a problem for search engines. search. It can also stop potential link juice from splitting.

• Additional meta tags: Although some meta tags may seem convincing, not all of them are beneficial for SEO. If they are useless, they will only add unnecessary complexity and longer download time.


Your URL is basically your Internet address. Specifies your location on the Internet. The URLs have to be put together in a certain way to be easily recognizable and effective.

• Length: Tests have shown that shorter URLs seem to perform better in search results and are more likely to be shared and referenced by other sites. This counts for all search engine optimization strategies, even those used by SEO Singapore specialists.

• Keyword placement: Although keyword placement isn’t of much benefit to your rankings, URLs where specific keywords are kept together seem to perform better.

• Hyphens – You might think that both underscores and hyphens would be considered equivalent word breakers, but they really aren’t. Interestingly, hyphens are still the clear choice for separating keywords in URLs.

body labels

Body tags are used to indicate the main content section of an HTML document. They are placed between and the tags When you create a web page, you can change certain elements in the body of your document by adding additional commands to your label.

• Use of keywords: There is no set rule, but in general, repeat your keywords 2-3 times on short pages and 4-6 times on longer pages. Don’t use them more than would make sense in your context.

• Keyword Density – While no webmaster will deny that using keywords can improve targeting and ranking, keyword density has never been proven to help you reach your SEO goals faster.

• Variable keywords: No study has been done to show that keyword variations can increase the optimization of your content. However, adding a term variation or two to your body copy requires little effort. Why not take a risk, in case they make a difference?

• H1 Title Tag – The title is considered the most important part of your content page; however, recent SEOmoz studies have shown that the H1 tag has very little influence on rankings. However, that doesn’t mean you can use just any H1 tag. Your page title should use the target keyword term or phrase. Other headline tags (H2/H3/H4/Hx) also have little SEO value.

• Alt Attribute – Surprising, but true, the use of photographs, graphic images and illustrations on keyword-laden pages, with keyword terms and phrases embedded in the alt attribute, will greatly improve your SEO strategy. Keywords and phrases should also be valuable when mentioned in image filenames.

• Bold and Italic Feature – Bold specific keywords, or italics used on them, carry very little SEO weight, so you should only use them once in your text.

• Internal Link Anchors/HTML Comments – Search engines seem to ignore these.

Hyperlinks and site location

Internal links help web users to easily navigate your website. They take users to other pages and parts of your documents.

• Click-Through Rate – The more meaning a keyword or phrase has, the more attention it should receive in the internal architecture of your site. The fewer clicks it takes to reach the URL associated with the keywords, the better.

• Increase internal links: You can achieve higher rankings by increasing the number of linked pages. In other words, increasing the number of links on your pages will attract more attention from search engines.

• Embedded Links in Content / Persistent Navigation: Lately, search engines, like Google, are doing more to recognize page locations as an element of link consideration. The links are included in the content of the page instead of being included in a navigation bar on the side of the page. This can be very beneficial; however, don’t forget that Google still only recognizes the first link to a page that appears in the HTML.

• Sidebar and Footer Links: Recent studies suggest that Google is moving toward significant discounts on links placed in footers, as well as some located in the sidebars of the page. Consequently, you will get better SEO results by inserting your top navigation bar above your page content.

Website structure

Generally, in Singapore SEO strategies, as well as those used in other countries, web pages consist of a header and a body. The header is used for the tags and text that are not noticed by website visitors, while the tags and composite text for the page body are visible to website users.

• Keyword Placement – ​​Keywords should appear in the first few words of the page content. They should be listed in the first 50-100 words, preferably earlier.

• Structured content: Some webmasters believe that using a particular content format improves their ranking, but no evidence has been presented so far that this is true. Simply use the content structure that you and your visitors are most comfortable with.


When producing great web content, it’s easy to forget about rules, like the ones mentioned above. On-page optimization isn’t always easy and it’s certainly not the only factor to consider when optimizing your website. It’s just a small piece of the SEO puzzle.

As an SEO professional looking for success, you should always keep the 20/80 rule in mind. This means you need to implement at least 20% of the on-page keyword-rich SEO rules listed above, in order to achieve a ranking increase of 80% or more. Will this be enough to take you to the top of the rankings in your keyword category? Probably not. To achieve that goal and be in the top position, you may need to:

1. Improve accessibility: You can’t get indexed if search engines can’t see you.

2. Write compelling content: High-quality materials not only attract the interest of visitors, but also search engines. Quality content with a superior link system will also improve your conversion rate.

3. Organize a basic on-page SEO strategy: Specific keywords and phrases need to be exactly right and infiltrated properly. Titles, tags, URLs, and internal links need to be accurate to increase page performance.

4. Develop the usability of your site: The more user-friendly your website is, the higher the navigation and conversion rate will be. Improve your usability and your website traffic will grow automatically.

5. Implement a marketing strategy – All your hard work won’t pay off if you don’t have a powerful marketing campaign. Your website or business will not prosper if no one knows about you. Use a promotional plan that uses all the different types of advertising, including social media and word of mouth.

6. Update your on-page optimization: Carefully apply all the rules we discussed in this blog, learn from experience, and advance your techniques. You’ll have to figure out on your own which strategies work best for your website and which ones have little influence on your ranking. Add more SEO features as you become more familiar with your options.

Read about all possible SEO methods and learn how to apply them while optimizing your SEO Singapore site. Before you know it, your online visibility will improve and you will be one of the top ranked websites in your industry!