Tours Travel

Driving in the Rain in Florida: Don’t Panic

Rain is only part of life in South Florida. If it weren’t for the volume of precipitation we receive, this area would not be as lush and beautiful as it is, and it would not attract the thousands of transplanted residents and tourists that it does. Unfortunately, it seems to create panic in many of our drivers.

We have all seen this happen. Within a minute, the traffic appears to be buzzing well, then four thick raindrops are falling and the brake lights start to come on like Christmas decorations in Times Square. We have a LOT of rain here. Whether it’s hurricane season or just another one of the thunderstorms that seem to happen on a daily basis, the chances that you will have to drive in wet weather are great. In fact, it happens so often that some of us hardly notice these storms.

It is not a coincidence that there are so many traffic accidents during or right after a storm. Invariably one of two things happens. Many drivers have a knee-jerk reaction and begin to brake sharply, while many others fail to adjust their driving habits to current conditions. The latter of the two reactions can result in the issuance of the notorious “driving too fast for conditions” traffic ticket.

Oh, this is a misleading ticket. I say this because no matter the circumstances, if you are in an accident anywhere in the country, be it rain, snow, sun glare, potholes, whatever, you may receive a traffic quote for “driving too fast for the conditions.” Isn’t that convenient? It is equivalent to the law saying that there is no valid reason to have a traffic accident: you must have been driving at high speed. This paves the way for a police officer to write you an arbitrary traffic citation using very few rules of measurement other than their own discretion.

According to Florida GS 316.183, “No person should drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than reasonable and prudent under the conditions and taking into account the actual and potential dangers that exist at that time.” There is that word again you hear me quote so often when it comes to Florida traffic laws: prudent.

Ah, be careful. The use of such language in our Florida traffic law statutes renders the interpretation of those laws quite vague and open to individual interpretation. It also makes it easier for police officers to find reasons to issue traffic tickets. In some cases, however, it is helpful to have a good traffic ticket attorney, who can often find loopholes in the validity of your traffic ticket. After all, standards like “reasonable” and “prudent” are subjective to all parties involved.

Still, you need to seriously consider how you react when it starts to rain. Try not to endanger yourself or others by reacting suddenly. Always try to warn those around you that you are going to slow down. Braking hard in a panic only increases your chances of being in a traffic accident.

For those of you approaching a sudden “Keep Driving Business” storm, consider modifying your current driving habits to better suit the South Florida climate. Think about the various factors that occur and that exist only when it rains. This includes drivers who overreact and also the reduced traction that occurs when there is water on the road. The former makes other drivers unable to anticipate the actions of someone who gets a little scared while driving in the rain, which often leads to car accidents. This latter problem is compounded not only by loss of traction, but also by oil from older vehicles being lifted from the road surface by rain. This only makes interrupting traction that much more dangerous.

When it comes to our exciting yet terrifying tropical storms we receive, there are variables that need to be taken into account. Rain volume can be very unpredictable – those four thick raindrops I mentioned at the beginning can turn into a steady rain one minute and a torrential downpour the next, which can dull your view. When you factor in the sudden appearance of dark clouds that add to reduced visibility, elderly drivers, teenagers, and inexperienced tourists who aren’t sure how to react to our unique weather patterns, and those drivers who just don’t know what do. in bad weather, our roads and highways take on the appearance of a pool table.

It can become a difficult experience for those of us who are used to the erratic Florida weather while playing dodgeball on the roads trying to stay away from drivers who are going crazy or reacting inappropriately to conditions. Fortunately for those of us who are used to such difficult driving conditions, there are those who immediately turn on their hazard flashers, which is the same as the driver yelling out the window, “I’m a lousy driver who can’t drive with. bad weather so stay AWAY from me. ” There is no problem my friend. Please stop taking two lanes and I will gladly pass you so that you are no longer a threat to my well-being.

Obviously, a lot of what I say here is ironic because I am a huge advocate of safe driving; however, when your fear response is so great that it puts others at extreme risk, simply stop and allow others to continue safely. There is nothing so urgent that you should risk your well-being or that of anyone else. Also, with the weather in Florida, the likelihood of this storm lasting for an extended period is quite small. Stopping for a soda or bottled water will probably give the storm plenty of time to clear the area. There is no need to point fingers because these drivers know who they are.

If you receive a traffic ticket for reckless driving, driving too fast for conditions, or aggressive driving that results in an accident, the police officer does not always have the last word. Many times, the policeman’s version of events is based on assumptions that are formed even if he is not present at the time of the accident. Keep in mind that one of the things you use to blame is what you and the other driver say, so don’t confess anything and keep your conversation to a minimum. We have years of experience in taking these traffic tickets and finding the flaws that may exist in the police version of events. Call us for a free consultation at (954) 967-9888 so we can advise you on your best course of action.