Tours Travel

Avoid the Christmas (Financial) Hangover: 8 Tips for Shopping Smart

Every year, thousands of us fall into this pattern: we spend and spend, buying the gifts we think our loved ones need for the holidays. Then we find ourselves surrounded by unopened boxes, torn wrapping paper, and, you guessed it, panic about how we’re going to get out of debt or pay our bills in January.

There is a way to manage your spending and still give the gifts you want to your loved ones. Every holiday season, we’re faced with a cascade of ads and messages that tell us one thing: spend. It’s great to buy gifts for all your family and friends, and maybe even something for yourself. Unfortunately, many of us find that our desire to give great gifts doesn’t match what we have in our wallets. With planning and wisdom, there is a way to balance your vacation spending and avoid post-vacation financial “hangover” and stress.

Here are eight tips to avoid a post-holiday financial “hangover.”

1. Create a budget. Hopefully you already have a budget for your income and expenses. If not, now might be the time to make it a matter of the heart. It’s important to have a separate budget for vacation expenses: know exactly how much you can afford to spend without breaking the bank. Be careful when estimating how much you can spend on credit and use methods like the section. Most importantly, don’t delay the consequences of a purchase and don’t get in trouble with a financial hangover on vacation.

2. Make a list. Double check it. Know exactly who you’re buying gifts for and the exact amounts you’re going to spend. Having some sort of guidance can help you avoid unnecessary spending or other traps that holiday shoppers find themselves in.

3. Start early. Many shoppers start with Black Friday (or Small Business Saturday or Cyber ​​Monday), but it also helps to plan well in advance and shop for gifts throughout the deal. A truly smart buyer is always looking for good deals. This is another reason why some stores that bring back layaway can be so helpful. Shopping for last-minute gifts is not only stressful, but it can also mean missing out on great pre-holiday deals.

4. Buy items in bulk. Small gifts like gloves can be purchased in packages. I’m sure it’s nothing new, but when it comes to bulk items, the more you buy, the less it will cost – a great tip for smaller gifts, popcorn tins, or stocking stuffers.

5.DIY. Giving yourself gifts can be a fulfilling experience that brings you back to the reason for the season. It really is the thought that counts, and the internet is full of great do-it-yourself gift ideas that can add meaning to the holidays. In this economic climate, more people are baking, making crafts, or even giving away homemade coupons. If your spouse hates doing the dishes, give them a set of “Get Out of the Dishes for Free” cards. Look up sites like ETSY’s home blog, The Storque.

6. Don’t buy for yourself. Now more than ever it is important to stay within the limits of your budget. Many shoppers leave without a list in mind and return home with bags full of gifts…for themselves. We tend to shop for others based on what we like, so if you fall into the “I want” category, it’s best to follow step #1. #1 and tackle the list. Remember, it’s not about you. At least not EVERYTHING about you. If there’s something you’re dying to give yourself this year, make sure it fits into the budget plan and there’s still room for everyone else.

7. Have a gift exchange. Secret Santas and White Elephants aren’t just for workplace Christmas parties anymore. Since wallets are tight this Christmas, organize a gift exchange within your own family so everyone buys one or two gifts instead of shopping for everyone. These trades can be really profitable, especially when combined with a DIY gift.

8. Coupons, coupons, coupons. Being a smart shopper means keeping an eye out for coupons and catalog savings online and offline. There are plenty of blogs and blotters keeping up with great deals that will continue for the rest of the month. Taking the time to search, clip or print can mean big savings and happy holidays.

These eight tips are good rules to follow for holiday spending, but also remember this: how much money you spend this season equals how much you love. Find ways to stretch your money, but also make sure you take the time to cherish moments with your loved ones, because those memories will last much longer than any crumbling tech gadget, stocking stuffer, or fruitcake.