
Alcoholic losers or victims of innocence?

The explanation that follows is in no way intended to mock or prod the true alcoholic. Although the language used is forceful, it is written in words that better represent the common characteristics of an everyday drunk. Because alcoholism is often referred to as the disease of denial, active alcoholics would find it difficult to find words to explain or even acknowledge their illness. Hopefully, this accurate assessment will help some problem drinkers identify the severity of their illness.

So powerful is its control over the victim, that the alcoholic mind manages to convince drunks all over the world that they need the “high” in order to function! Furthermore, a typical drunk has such a twisted psyche that he believes there is nothing in his current life that sustained sobriety can improve. Most of the time, the one with the drinking problem not only turns his life upside down, but also has a tendency to drag anyone close to him into his pitiful mess.

The world of a chronic alcoholic is one of rampant self. Most show self-centered and selfish selfish behavior more often than not! Many say that these people are nothing more than the alcoholic losers of the 21st century! Weak-willed souls who have given up on life and live only for the bottle. Others with more compassion would say that they are simply lost victims of innocence. Unlucky individuals who have fallen prey to a fatal disease.

Whatever other people’s opinions about the alcoholic, the current problem is so great that just about everyone on the planet knows someone, or knows someone, who has a significant drinking problem. It is simply one of the modern curses of mankind. Alcoholics are riddled with inferiority, even if they don’t know it themselves. Most have a negative image of themselves, which probably explains why they are always on the defensive and at war with the world. Nothing is your fault! Everything would be fine if the world would just leave them alone and agree with everything they say!

Alcoholic losers love to gossip!

Alcoholics also love to gossip. As long as you focus on the faults of others, you don’t have to work on your own faults. It is a common trait of drunks to ignore their own misgivings by focusing on the apparent inadequacies of everyone but themselves. Often referred to as egomaniacs with inferiority complexes, the stereotypical alcoholic is self-centered to the extreme and becomes impossible to be around, let alone live with. In the mind of a true alcoholic, nothing is ever his fault!

Alcoholic losers love to get resentful!

According to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), one of the biggest problems its members face is resentment. Resentments are said to destroy more alcoholics than any other cause. The reason they feel so much is, once again, to focus on the faults of others so they don’t have to look at their own faults. Their minds are often so twisted that it is impossible for them to separate the false from the real. A life full of resentment and aversion can never be productive and fruitful.

There is a solution!

After reading the above, you might think that the average alcoholic is destined for a life of unparalleled misery and an untimely grave. Some reading this might also think the term ‘loser’ is a bit harsh, but is it? Loosely translated, loser simply means a person with a history of failing. If destroying the life that God has given you and making the lives of those around you a misery does not classify as a failure, then tell me what is? The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Many alcoholics can and do recover from their once seemingly helpless condition of body and mind, but only when they throw in the towel and admit their alcohol problem.

The above are just a few of the common character flaws of a typical drunk, but there are many more. Alcoholics aren’t necessarily born horrible people. They didn’t ask to be this way, but once in the clutches of the alcohol king, they get caught in a downward spiral and eventually emerge with distorted minds. About 1 in 10 people are said to be alcoholics or borderline alcoholics, but many started out like everyone else, as mild to moderate social drinkers. For whatever reason, some of us end up trapped in what is recognized as a progressive disease. A condition that only gets worse over time if left untreated!

The alcoholic who is able to put aside false pride and seek help when life becomes totally unmanageable is indeed fortunate. I talk to many “recovering” alcoholics, and most are filled with gratitude. They have managed to unravel their minds and have gone on to live a life beyond their wildest dreams. Those who are able to stop and stay stopped have transformed their attitude and outlook on life from darkness and discord to one of light and relative harmony.