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Where you can get free baby stuff for moms-to-be or dads-in-need

Did you know that you will spend close to $300 a month on baby stuff? That doesn’t even include doctor visits or medications. This can be a great stress for both pregnant mothers and new parents. However, with the internet today, you can easily find free baby stuff.

Before, the idea of ​​getting anything for free would have been crazy. But today’s companies are looking to get their products into their hands faster. And if they have to give away something up front to do it, they’ll do it all day long.

Now, I’m sure you’ve probably already done a search online to see if you can find free baby stuff. They are very easy to find, but not all of them are legit or easy to use.

Some will put you through so many hoops, that only about 2% of people ever get anything. Others will make you pay for little things, over and over again.

But don’t worry, I’ll tell you exactly how you can find the legit deals on free baby gear. So you can get your little one exactly what he needs this month.

The first way to get free baby items online is through coupons and samples.

Many companies want to have their product in their hands immediately. So they post coupons online and offline, in newspapers.

Some of them are very generous offering buy 1 get 2 free or up to 75% off. The best time to find them are weekends.

The second way to get free baby stuff for expecting moms or parents in need is through online giveaways.

Many online businesses are looking to get subscribers, generate internet traffic, or just make their website really popular. So they will run contests and attract thousands of people to their website.

They are very easy to enter, all you need is an email and where you want your prize sent to.

Last, and probably the best way to get your toddler free stuff, is through online surveys.

Companies attract people like you to their site to fill out surveys and their buying habits, then in turn take all your responses and sell them to large corporations looking for market research surveys, to help them structure their products and advertisements.

In turn, people like you can easily get a free year’s worth of diapers, a year’s worth of formula, or just about anything else you’re looking for.