
What Do Pen Testers Do?

What do pen testers do? These professionals are the ones who try to find vulnerabilities in software or systems without being noticed by their targets. This task doesn’t require a high level of technical aptitude, but a knowledge of network protocols and forensics can be helpful. Pen testers should also have knowledge of scripting languages, particularly JavaScript. In addition to writing code, pen testers can help companies by providing information on how to improve security.

To become a pen testers, you should first earn an entry-level credential. ECSC’s Certified Ethical Hacker credential is an entry-level certification. This exam has 125 multiple-choice questions about the latest hacking techniques. You’ll also need to pass a six-hour practical exam. Once you’ve earned the certification, you should apply for jobs related to cybersecurity. The job market for pen testers is currently strong, and there are numerous opportunities available to those with the right credentials.

In a way, pen testers are ethical hackers competing with real-life hackers. The goal of pen testing is to expose weaknesses in systems before invasive actors can exploit them. Pen testers can help organizations strengthen their security posture by finding and closing weaknesses. This can prevent security problems, as well as save organizations millions of dollars. And it pays well! This is an exciting career choice! If you have a strong sense of curiosity and want to hack things, you should consider becoming a pen tester.

A pen tester works by implementing various security measures to identify weaknesses in systems. One of the most common issues is default password configurations and factory credentials. Once these issues are identified, testers dig deeper to discover medium-risk problems that could put your company at risk. Once they have identified them, they will report the findings to the company’s security team. If there are vulnerabilities in the security measures, these will likely be the most common ones.

In addition to these technical skills, ethical hackers must possess excellent problem-solving abilities. They must also possess a strong sense of ethics, as breaching these parameters could cost them their job and face legal repercussions. The best candidates for pen tests have strong technical skills and an ethical compass. Pen testers should have experience working in an ethical environment. This profession requires creativity, dedication, and a keen sense of ethics.

Pen testing is necessary for organizations to meet PCI-DSS and SOC 2 compliance requirements. But it’s important to note that the process can’t be performed by in-house personnel. This work is best done by external contractors who are ethical hackers. While the result is the same, the process is far faster and easier. And pen testers can help organizations improve their WAF configurations. These professionals are also essential for many other businesses.

A pen tester’s job description involves evaluating the security of IT infrastructures. While a company might have robust security protocols in some areas, they should not wait for the worst to happen to determine if their security is up to scratch. Pentesting tools can expose any weak areas in a security layer, allowing security experts to fix those flaws before a real-world incident takes place. In the long run, this will prevent network security breaches and damage consumer confidence.