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Steorn, Orbo Free Energy, New World Order

I’ve been following Steorn for some time now and thought I’d share the incredible potential and possibilities this breakthrough could bring.

First a bit of recent history

Orbo is the brand name for Steorn’s free energy technology

Steorn’s main claim: Orbo produces free, clean and constant energy

“What we’ve developed is a way to build magnetic fields so that when you travel around the magnetic fields, starting and stopping in the same position, you gain energy.”

The first time most people heard of Steorn was when they ran an ad in The Economist late last year (2006). The main idea of ​​this was to attract the attention of qualified experimental scientists to prove the technology by means of tests.

It worked! Over 5,000 people applied to participate in this jury validation process, from which Steorn duly selected 22 qualified academic scientists/engineers.

As of Steorn’s Q1 2007 update, it has been suggested that these 22 individuals are high-ranking academics and will be recognized and accepted by the public and peer groups alike.

Applications in which this new technology could be used,


Public lighting and local public services

Water treatment

agriculture and gardening

Office, industrial and home generation

Cargo ships, ferries and pleasure boats

public transport

Consumer electronics

home appliances

As you can see, the list is quite impressive and covers a lot of current technologies.

Take consumer electronics for example, imagine never having to charge your cell phone. For developed countries this technology would have a huge impact, but imagine the impact on developing countries, really huge and mind-boggling.

For example, I think a large proportion of people in poor African countries don’t have a telephone, they don’t have public lighting, and they might live in a slum. Why is this the case? Money, Corruption, War

That’s a great question with many answers but imagine free energy in developing countries the countries infrastructure could develop rapidly you may not even need a wired power grid you could have orbo drives in homes and businesses and streets. Phone wire networks, avoid them altogether instead use orbo powered cell phones and local masts powered by orbo units.

The area of ​​consumer electronics is important and in my opinion it may be the first developed area, if corporations can smell a profit in virgin countries they will move quickly, this in itself could act as impetus for governments to develop instead of spending money on caviar and weapons.

Similarly, if the big multinationals can smell the profits in new opportunities in developed countries, they will probably fight each other to get hold of the new technology. This could act as a push to change the way we use electricity, we will probably use more, but it will surely be cleaner than fossil fuel emissions and nuclear waste by-products.

Steorn first has a big challenge, in my opinion, not to test the technology (probably already in the bag) but to get the technology accepted by the scientific community. The way they’re doing this through a scientific jury and the Steorn developer forum is a great start. Fortunately, they also have the Internet by their side, a global medium for sharing the results of their progress.

Steorn and orbo energy are an addictive saga in progress and I wish them all the best and success in the future.

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