
Simultaneous discoveries

How do two or more people, unknown to each other, work on the same problem and come to the same conclusion simultaneously? Very often, each discoverer will accuse the other of copying her work when in fact neither knew that the other was working on the same project. There are many cases of such simultaneous discoveries.

British biologist Sir Aleister Hardy believes that animals develop a group mind and that all species may be linked by a cosmic mind to transmit information across space. Rupert

Sheldrake, a biologist, agrees with Hardy. They cite cases of monkeys washing sweet potatoes to get rid of the sand. First, the monkeys on the island of Koshima practiced it. After a few months, monkeys on another island with no contact with the above also developed the same habit. Sheldrake says that rats that have learned to run a maze pass this knowledge on to rats in other labs. How do you test this theory? His proof is that rats in other labs learn the trick in a shorter period than before.

He calls this concept “morphogenetic fields” and believes that this faculty is similar to the simultaneous discoveries that various people make in different areas of the world, but I believe that the human mind is the link. Our minds transmit the information to rats in other laboratories through various means, including contact. When we see monkeys on one island, we think “why don’t the monkeys on the other island do the same?” and this information travels to the monkeys on the other island. The process is to accelerate our progress from an earthly being of limited knowledge to a heavenly being of greater knowledge. This progress has to come step by step. Thus, Nature looks for prepared minds and two or more people become aware of a problem and work on it. The problem is solved independently, and often simultaneously. Next, there are some examples.


JJ Thomson and Charles-Francois de Cisternay DuFay independently discovered electrons. DuFay thought there were two types and called one glassy electricity and the other

resinous electricity. (The English physician William Gilbert introduced the term electrical from the Greek word “electron” for amber because amber would take on a special character of

attract or repel metallic objects when rubbed on fur).


The Wright brothers in the United States and Richard Peers in New Zealand at the same time developed the plane. Richard Peers flew two years before the Wright brothers, but he was a loner and never published. The Wright brothers arrived at the same result without knowing Peers’ work.


The jet engine was developed simultaneously by a German engineer, Paul Schmidt, and by a British engineer, Whittle, from the RAF university at Cranwell.


When Hermann Oberth was advising German warlords on liquid fuel for long-range missiles, Robert Goddard was working on similar fuels in the United States.


Lord Kelvin in England and George Robert Kirchhoff in Germany discovered that each element produced its own spectral lines. Using this system, John Lockyer in England and Pierre Janssen in India identified, at about the same time, the yellow spectral lines of helium in the Sun.


Edwin Hubble (1889-1950) in the US, Abbe Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) in Belgium, and Willem Sitter (1872-1934) in the Netherlands developed the receding universe theory at the same time.


The C ring around Saturn was discovered in 1850 by William C. Bond (1789-1859) of the Harvard Observatory and two weeks later, independently, by WR Davies in England.


In 1846, JC Adams of the University of Cambridge and Urbain Joseph Leverrier (Luh-veh-ryay) of the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris independently calculated the location of Neptune.


Soviet physicist Vladimir Isifovitch Veksler and Edwin Mattison McMillan in California independently slogan “synchronous cyclotron” at the same time.


Regardless, Luria Salvadore Hershey discovered viral mutations.


Empurcell and Felix Bloch independently developed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study the interior of living organisms without damaging tissues that would be caused by X-rays.


JHDJensen and Gopper-Mayer independently discovered “semi-magic numbers” (stability of atoms containing 28 or 40 shelled protons).


Godfrey Hounsfield, an electrical engineer working for a private company in London, and Allan Cormack, a physicist at Tufts University in Boston, independently developed the catscanner (computerized axial tomography) at the same time. When connected to a computer it will scan and magnify a tiny area and make it easier to diagnose the condition. In October 1979, these two scientists received the Nobel Prize for inventing the cat scanner.


William Hampson in England and Karl von Linde in Germany independently liquefied air on a large scale in 1895.


Both Newton and Leibnitz independently discovered calculus at the same time. However, Newton did not publish his work. He developed this system to calculate the gravitational force of the sun and solve the revolutionary elliptical paths of the planets. Some 10 years later, when Leibnitz wrote to Newton, Newton responded by saying that he had already worked out such a system.

Darwin and Wallace

Charles Darwin (1838) and Alfred Wallace (1848) worked independently on the theory of evolution. When Wallace was in Indonesia, he had a malaria attack and decided to transmit

Without delay a thought arose in his mind towards Darwin. He drafted a letter and mailed it the next day. When Darwin read that letter, he was surprised to see that Wallace’s findings were very similar to his own. (Darwin had not published his theory.) In Wallace’s letter, Darwin saw confirmation of his own ideas, although Wallace was trying to convey his belief that an activity

of the spirit permeates the universe.

Hugo De Vries from the Netherlands, Karl Erich Correns from Germany, and Erich von Tschermak from Austria studied Mendelianism in plants without knowing that the other two were doing the same thing or that Mendel had done the work. In a final review of previous publications, the three found Mendel’s paper. All three published in 1900, each citing Mendel’s paper and giving Mendel

all credit for the discovery, publishing his own work as confirmation.


The fundamental principles of television developed independently in Germany, England, France, Scotland, Russia, and the United States during the 1920s. Sawyer in the United States and Morris Leblanc in

France proposed a quick scan of a scene line by line to build an image. Baird in England and Jenkins in the US independently achieved intercity transmission of a picture.


Joseph Henry (1823) in the United States and Michael Faraday (1831) in England independently found electrical induction. Each published within a few months of each other.


Sir Chandrasekhara Venketaraman independently discovered the Compton effect (the light scattering effect of molecules) before Compton. This discovery helped in the study of molecular structure.


Electric lamps with incandescent filaments were developed independently by Sir Joseph W. Swan in Great Britain and Edison in the United States in the late 1870s.


Lorenz and Fitzgerald independently discovered the Fitzerald contraction of objects due to speed. Michaelson and Morley did an experiment to decide if there is any difference in the speed of light due to the motion of the earth. They were unable to detect the difference due to an error in their research. The error was shrinkage due to speed. The length of a foot will become 6 inches if the ruler is traveling at a speed of 161,000 miles per second. At the speed of light of 186282, the contraction will be full and the length will be zero in the direction of travel. Lorenz advanced the same theory independently. Therefore, it is now known as the Lorenz-Fitzgerald contraction.


Weller and associates at Harvard, Parkman and associates at the Walter Reed Army Research Institute in 1961, working independently, reported the isolation of rubella virus and its

successful growth in cell cultures.


In 1870, Robert Koch in Germany and Pasteur in France independently discovered that a bacillus was the cause of anthrax.


Batista Grassi in Italy and Ronald Ross in Calcutta worked out the life history of the malaria parasite at the same time.


Bernigaud Chardonnet in France and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan in England patented the same rayon development process within a few months of each other.


Dagueirre in France and Talbot in England independently developed the principle of photography.


Julius Lothar Meyer in Germany and Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeliev in Russia simultaneously discovered the periodic table of chemical elements.


Stereoisomerism was discovered simultaneously in 1874 by Van’t Hoff in Holland and Le Bel in France.


MJ Schleiden and T. Schwann from Germany independently formulated the cell theory, viz. that all living matter is made up of cells and that each cell is an independent unit although

cooperate with each other.


Ampere independently discovered Bode’s law of planetary distances.


Warren Nirenberg, Gobind Khorona, and Robert Holley independently worked out the genetic code and the structure of DNA and RNA. They shared the Nobel Prize in 1968


Edme’ Mariotte independently discovered Boyle’s gas law and added that the temperature must be constant.


Hennig Brand and Boyle independently discovered hydrogen and phosphorus


Newton’s law, that force is inversely proportional to the square of the body’s distance from its center of rotation, was discovered independently by Robert Hooke.


Nathanial Palmer in the US and Bellingshausen in Russia chartered the Antarctica area at the same time.


Bakelite (a phenol-formaldehyde plastic) was simultaneously patented in 1907 by LAH Baekeland in the US and James Swinburne in the UK.

There are hundreds and thousands more such cases of simultaneous discovery. They will fill many volumes. When the time comes, the Universal Being sends the project all over the globe so that whoever is ready can work on it. This shows that God wants to reveal these secrets to man. All human beings will not reach the almighty level at the same time. Each one receives knowledge according to his capacity. Everyone has their freedom to receive or reject.

How is it that two or more people in different places are working on the same topic and getting the same answer? Is it purely accidental? Hang so wide! Certainly not. There is an unknown force that directs all events in the universe. Since we cannot see, we say that there is nothing.