Health Fitness

Improve your run with a metabolic evaluation

Metabolic Profiles for Runners: Run Faster, Recover Faster

Over the years, improvements in technology have brought many benefits, one of which was once only available to the world’s elite athletes and runners, is now available to everyone. That’s the metabolic profile, which assesses your metabolic rate at rest and also while you run, giving you the data you need to improve your running and reduce your times. The assessment requires you to wear a comfortable face mask which, in turn, is connected to an analyzer that measures the oxygen you inhale and carbon dioxide you exhale at rest and while you run, this in turn is connected to a laptop so that the software can use the data collected to accurately identify the calories you are burning and, more importantly, the fuel source being used, whether it be stored fats or glycogen.

A metabolic assessment can give you information about your resting metabolism and how many calories you need each day. Whatever time it takes to fuel up your workout or to lose a few unwanted pounds. It will tell you about your metabolism during exercise, how efficient you are while running, and in which heart rate zone you perform best. It will tell you where your anaerobic threshold is currently so you don’t overtrain.

Many runners start a race at a fast pace working anaerobically, knowing your threshold and having an efficient aerobic base allows you to run at a sustainable pace and prevents fatigue in the later stages of the race or training session.

If you spend a large portion of your training at or above your threshold, your fitness level may plateau or even decline. The metabolic evaluation will help you prevent the negative effects of overtraining.

You’ll know your heart rates for your base training sessions, the intensities you need to train at for your speed work, interval sessions, and where to train on your recovery days.

The assessment will tell you the heart rate at which you reach your anaerobic threshold. It will tell you all about your aerobic base, how wide your base is, and how efficient you are aerobically. The exact number of calories you need to consume to fuel up for your training and event.

Armed with this valuable information and the correct training regimen, your body will make adaptations that will improve your aerobic capacity and efficiency, help raise your anaerobic threshold, and train your body to burn fat as a preferred fuel.

As your heart rate training zones increase, you will notice how your times improve, how much stronger you feel, how training becomes less stressful and challenging, how your body composition improves.

If you spend a large portion of your training at or above your threshold, your fitness level may plateau or even decline. The metabolic evaluation will help you prevent the negative effects of overtraining.

You’ll know your heart rates for your base training sessions, the intensities you need to train at for your speed work, interval sessions, and where to train on your recovery days.

Metabolic profiles similar to the old VO2 Max tests but with valuable additional information that can be obtained without the need to work yourself to exhaustion, something that can concern people just starting to run and even the most experienced runners. It is becoming more widely available as the health and fitness industry has realized its tremendous potential for not only fitness levels, but weight management as well. Visit for more information and to find out how evaluating your profile will benefit you, even if you are a beginner, fun runner, athlete or elite athlete, or call Andy Loughray on 020 8543 5288 for more information or email [email protected].