Legal Law

How to rent quickly by pointing people to your property with directional signs

We also do a lot of directional signs. Directional signs are the small signs that are approximately 24″ wide, 6″ tall and are red with a white arrow. On that white arrow, you could write something. Not much, but you can write maybe the house number or the name of the street, whatever.

The key is to take those directional signs and head back to the main street sources. If your property is on a small side street, pull out to the intersection where the main road and the side road meet and put up some signposts on the trees or whatever you need to do.

Everyone who drives sees the signposts, then will drive to your side street, and then sees the signs at home. If you don’t go out and get telltale signs, you’ll just never get the traffic. That’s where the traffic is, so you have to put signs there.

Importance of pointer signs

Putting a sign on a house that’s on a very quiet side street won’t do you any good. You have to get the signs out. If you have to go up two or three blocks, that’s fine.

Grab your pointer signs and find out. If you need to turn right, you have an indicator that points to the right. They go one block and if they need to turn left they have a pointer sign pointing left. Make sure the signs are the same so they can see that they fit together. If you have to go to the next street and have to turn right, have a sign pointing to the right.

Make sure they can get from the main road to your house. That will greatly increase your traffic. Signs work great, particularly in low to moderate income neighborhoods.

Beware of ordinances

Please note that there are some issues with the signals. Your city may have sign ordinances. I recommend that you don’t rape them if you can help it. They may or may not allow the signs to be in the front yard.

Condominium associations will not normally allow signs. Any type of gated communities, townhouse communities, all of these types of communities will generally not allow signs or have sign restrictions.

In those kinds of communities, it’s probably worth making sure to read the bylaws or call the association and find out what is and isn’t allowed. They may allow a sign in the window but not in the yard. Obviously find out what is allowed and be compliant. Once again, signs are a great way to get attention.