
How to cook a pizza in a wood burning pizza oven

The terracotta pizza ovens are wood-fired. They are made of terracotta clay and are shaped like a dome with a chimney. Terracotta pizza ovens stand on a steel base. Cooking your pizza with wood gives your pizza a great smoky flavor that will impress your friends and family all year long. You, the cook, can create wood-fired pizzas at home, in your backyard, or on your patio. First, spread a two-pound bag of sand around the bottom of the pizza oven. This raises the pizza stone to the edge of the opening, making it easier to turn the pizza while it cooks. This is also useful for removing the pizza when it is ready. Hardwoods like oak, maple, ash, beech, and birch are best to use in your wood-burning pizza oven. Next, build a fire with dry wood in the back of the oven and you will be ready to bake in just fifteen minutes.

Once the fire has been lit in the back of the wood-burning pizza oven, it is important to obtain the proper temperature before placing the pizza. The pizza oven should be between 450-500 degrees F (250-260 degrees C) and the stone should be heated while the oven is heating. Large, thick-crust pizzas may need a temperature closer to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for the crust to fully cook before the toppings burn. The best way to check the temperature of your wood-burning pizza oven is with an infrared thermometer. The infrared thermometer will evaluate the temperature with millimeter precision, allowing the cook to maintain a safe distance from the heat. Once the temperature is set, place your dough in the oven to bake. Soon it will be ready to eat.

When cooking pizza in a wood burning pizza oven, you need a few basic tools. A pizza shovel is used to place and remove the pizza from the oven. An infrared thermometer is essential to check the temperature of your pizza oven. The surface for cooking the dough is a pizza stone. Using a long-handled brush is helpful for cleaning the oven. Suede gloves are useful to protect your hands. When finished, a rotary cutter is perfect for slicing.

While in the wood-fired oven, after seven minutes turn the dough 180 degrees. This helps it cook the same on all sides. Use a pizza shovel or tongs to rotate the pizza. Wearing gloves is helpful because the temperature of the wood-fired oven can be dangerous. Adults should always cook and keep children away from heat. After eight minutes once rotated, your crust should brown and the cheese should be bubbling. This is a good indicator that your pizza is done. Take out the pizza with the peel. Wait about 4-5 minutes, then slice the pizza with the rotary cutter and serve to your friends and family to enjoy.

You now have the basic information on cooking with a wood-burning pizza oven. You are now ready to set up your wood burning oven and get the perfect temperature. You know how to cook your pizza evenly. It informs you of the basic tools for cooking with a wood oven. You too can be successful with a wood burning pizza oven.