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Entrepreneurs Vs Dyslexia – Why dyslexics are great entrepreneurs

Can you believe that a whopping 49% of entrepreneurs are dyslexic?

Unfortunately, the ignorance of societies has led people to believe that dyslexia is stupid. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. Dyslexia is a neurological difference, a brain difference. A dyslexic’s right brain is slightly larger than a normal reader’s, which is one possible reason why they often have substantial strengths in areas controlled by the right brain; such as creative problem-solving skills, intuitive people skills, and musical and artistic talent. Many of our greatest leaders, businessmen, and influential figures of our time, past and present, are dyslexic; Here are a few selected…

Sir Richard Branson: – Virgin tycoon, 245th richest person according to Forbes 2008. Net worth of approximately £1.6 billion. Bill Gates: – Mr. Microsoft. The richest person in the world for 15 consecutive years and is currently the third richest person in the world. Net worth of approximately $58 billion. Sir Alan Sugar: – Founded Amstrad in 1968. Net worth of approximately £830 million Winston Churchill Albert Einstein Anita Roddick Little do people know that although dyslexics can have difficulty reading and writing, they often have the highest IQs. It is not an intelligence disability, there is nothing wrong with the knowledge and intellect of dyslexics, they just have a different thought process and mechanism.

In general, outsiders only see the negative aspects of dyslexia, but they don’t realize that dyslexia also has great advantages. The top 6 advantages are listed below.

1. They tend not to follow the crowd.

2. They are very creative and can have wild imaginations.

3. They tend to be motivated, persistent, determined and ambitious.

4. They are naturally more curious than most.

5. They tend to see situations and things differently from others.

6. They adapt to change more easily than others.

It would be safe to assume that these characteristics develop because of how they are ostracized by their peers, society, and the educational system in their formative years.

Unfortunately, quite often, people with dyslexia also tend to receive some form of bullying and insults in their younger years, so it’s easy to see why they tend not to follow the crowd and choose their own path in life. Drive and ambition will stem from them wanting to prove skeptics and insulters wrong, achieving success and proving they are not and never were stupid. Very often, because dyslexic children cannot read very efficiently or confidently, they rely on following the pictures in books to act out the story, which in turn develops their imagination. From the above small selection of beneficial advantages that a dyslexic character is blessed with, you can see why, they are such good leaders and entrepreneurs.

If you compare these qualities to the qualities required to be a successful entrepreneur, they pretty much go hand in hand. Entrepreneurial talent is not something you can teach or learn, you can’t fake it, you either have it or you don’t. Anyone can learn to be a more entrepreneurial or better business person, but entrepreneurship simply cannot be manufactured. So for those who are dyslexic; Reading and writing may not be your thing, but take advantage of your natural talents and embrace your entrepreneurial style!