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Dumbbells or resistance bands for P90x?

There are only a few pieces of equipment that you will need for the P90x home fitness program. These include dumbbells or resistance bands, and a pull-up bar. Other than that, there are some optional equipment you can get, but you don’t absolutely have to have them.

You must have dumbbells or resistance bands. Dumbbells are the popular choice for people who want to bulk up, but the reality is that either will do the job if you have the right weight/resistance levels for you. Resistance bands are the cheapest option, and unlike dumbbells, they are not susceptible to gravity. They offer continuous resistance during exercise.

The equipment you get can cost a fortune or be affordable. The biggest potential cost is the weights you use. Weights aren’t cheap and will cost you quite a bit of money, especially if you try to use individual free weights. The cheapest option if you are going to go weight is to buy a set of adjustable dumbbells like Powerblocks or Bowflex SelectTech. You’ll get many different weight options for a much cheaper price than if you went out and bought each one separately.

If you want to do P90x but don’t want to spend too much on equipment, then resistance bands are what you want. They’re a lot cheaper than dumbbells, and Beachbody makes sets of three that you can get for an affordable price. Choose the 3 resistance levels that you will need to get a good workout and that’s it.

In the end, it doesn’t matter which you use, resistance bands or free weights. Both offer resistance, and that is all that matters. Of course, when you look at their differences a little deeper, you can see that there are pros and cons to each, but ultimately both will get the job done.