
Are you allergic to cigarette smoke?

Is a puff of smoke enough to ruin your day? As soon as the person next to her lights up, the first thing that pops into her head is the unpleasant memory of her last encounter with secondhand smoke and the runny nose, sneezing and congestion that followed. For some, the reaction to cigarette smoke looks very much like an allergic reaction, leading them to believe they have a “smoke allergy.”

There are many myths about “smoke allergy” that actually make it difficult to properly treat your condition. This article will help you determine if you are affected by “smoke allergies” and what you can do to better protect yourself from illnesses associated with smoke exposure.

Myth #1: “Allergic to smoke”

Nobody is really allergic to smoke. A large number of people insist that they are allergic to the smoke generated by cigarettes or cigars, but the truth is that they have had an allergic reaction due to other health conditions. Understanding exactly why you feel like you’re having an allergy attack when you’re around a smoker is the key to understanding how to prevent future symptoms.

Why do I say that there is no allergy to smoke? Because technically smoke is not an allergen, but it is an irritant. This small difference explains why most people do not feel relief when they take antihistamine allergy medicine after exposure to smoke. The key to avoiding problems caused by cigarette smoke is determining what kind of sensitivity you have and how best to treat it.

Who is prone to “smoke allergies”?

  • children and babies
  • Old people
  • People with a history of allergies (anyone with allergies, asthma, eczema, etc.)
  • People exposed to dense smoke for long periods of time.

Sometimes people who are sensitive to tobacco smoke also experience allergy-like symptoms when they encounter strong odors, perfumes, changes in weather, or changes in temperature.

Symptoms of cigarette sensitivity

For some people, exposure to tobacco smoke can cause a list of symptoms:

  • sneezing
  • cough
  • burning and watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • post nasal drip
  • Congestion
  • difficulty breathing
  • Headache

These symptoms appear soon after exposure to cigarette smoke and last for hours afterward. In addition to these symptoms, people who are in smoky environments on a daily basis are more likely to experience ongoing respiratory infections such as sinusitis and bronchitis, as well as the development of wheezing and asthma.

Exposure to tobacco smoke

A lit cigarette is capable of releasing more than 4,000 different chemicals into the air (80 of which are known or suspected carcinogens). Sometimes avoiding situations where people smoke is almost impossible. Often a family member will smoke inside, or a public place like a bar or restaurant will allow smoking. Depending on the severity of your reaction, just the smell of smoke on someone’s clothing or in a room where someone has smoked can cause irritation. So while avoiding tobacco smoke is the best method of preventing “smoke allergies,” it may not be a practical solution.

Two Main Types of Smoke Sensitivity

The best way to treat your smoke “allergy” is to first identify what type of sensitivity you are experiencing. There are two forms of smoke sensitivity:

  • Smoke aggravating underlying allergies: Your body is weakened by smoke and starts reacting to all the little bits of pollen, dust, and dander that wouldn’t normally have been a problem.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis: This is a condition that has exactly the same symptoms as allergic rhinitis (or nasal allergies), but cannot be treated with antihistamine allergy medications.

Allergies aggravated by smoke:

An allergen is a tiny particle made up of proteins that the body mistakes for a dangerous intruder like a virus or other germ. The smoke contains small particles of tar ash (you can see these particles in the form of a white cloud created by burning tobacco). But tar ash particles are not the same as a true allergen because they are not protein based, but instead are a form of carbon.

Instead of being labeled as allergens, smoke particles are classified as irritants. Irritants can make you quite uncomfortable, worsen conditions like asthma and allergies, and cause other serious health problems. So, in medical terms, no one can actually be allergic to smoke, but they can suffer complications from their existing allergies or other illnesses.

If you have allergies or allergic asthma, smoke can trigger an allergic reaction because it puts extra stress on your body and immune system. The speck of cat dander floating in the air that wouldn’t normally have triggered a backlash; but with the addition of tobacco smoke, your body can no longer handle the allergens. Asthma becomes dangerous when mixed with exposure to tobacco smoke, even deadly for some.

You are likely to experience complications with existing allergies if:

  1. You know you’re allergic to other things like pollen, pets, mold, or dust mites.
  2. You have eczema or food allergies.


  • Avoid as many situations as you can where you are exposed to smoke.
  • Consult an allergist to optimize your current allergy treatment or see if you have developed new allergies.
  • Run an air purifier to reduce the amount of allergens in the air. Even a smaller portable air filter, such as a home smoke eater, is effective at removing allergens in the rooms of family members who smoke.

Vasomotor rhinitis:

Vasomotor rhinitis is a form of inflammation and irritation of the nasal area, as well as the throat and eyes. Seasonal or indoor allergies are called “allergic rhinitis.” This condition is different from the allergic type because it is not caused by allergens. For this reason, vasomotor rhinitis is sometimes called “non-allergic rhinitis.” It causes many of the same symptoms as an allergic reaction, but is caused by too many or too sensitive blood vessels in the delicate tissue of the sinus area. The symptoms you experience are caused by your nervous system rather than the allergens.

What this means is that while another person can tolerate cigarette smoke, a person with vasomotor rhinitis will experience a lot of discomfort from the same amount of smoke. So you’re not exaggerating when you complain about even small amounts of smoke: these small amounts ARE REALLY affecting you more severely than those around you.

In addition to cigarette smoke, strong odors or weather conditions will also often cause symptoms, so it’s possible that many aspects of your environment cause allergy-like symptoms. Some people even have allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis simultaneously.

You are likely to have vasomotor rhinitis if:

  1. You are very sensitive to other elements such as perfume, strong odors, weather changes, temperature changes or even spicy foods.
  2. Walking into a slightly warmer (or cooler) room makes your nose runny or painfully stuffy.
  3. Antihistamine medications do not relieve symptoms.


  • Avoid as many situations as possible where your condition could be aggravated. This includes smoke as well as other vasomotor rhinitis triggers such as wearing perfume, lighting scented candles, etc.
  • Talk to your doctor about treatment options. Some over-the-counter medications, such as oral decongestants and saline nasal sprays, may provide some relief. Some prescription medications that have been shown to be effective include antihistamine nasal sprays (unlike oral antihistamines which generally have no effect on vasomotor rhinitis), anticholinergic antidrip nasal sprays, and corticosteroid nasal sprays.
  • Limit your exposure to smoke and the smell of smoke, as this is the cause of many cases of vasomotor rhinitis. Use an air purifier like a home smoke eater to minimize airborne contaminants.

A note for people with existing allergies:

Inhaling even small amounts of smoke over a long period of time can cause you to develop new allergies or even asthma. In young children, passive inhalation of tobacco smoke greatly increases the chance of developing allergies when they grow up. If you live with a smoker, you are likely to have more cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections, sinusitis, and other respiratory illnesses.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to turn your living space into a zero tolerance smoke area. If this isn’t an option, you may want to consider an air purifier as an investment in your health.

Some of the symptoms of sinusitis (sinus infection) can closely resemble the vasomotor rhinitis and allergic rhinitis described in this article. Be sure to see your doctor for help diagnosing your condition if tobacco smoke makes you sick.

Remember: Always be sure to talk to your doctor or allergist about your symptoms and treatment.