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How to sell a script: social media and marketing

Knowing how to sell a script is as much what you know as who you know. As such, how to sell a script has a lot to do with marketing and social media. The beauty of social media communications is that people in the film industry, such as producers and directors, now maintain an active social media presence. As a result, you have the opportunity to form a relationship with them and introduce them to your movie, TV show, or movie script.

If you want to learn more about how to sell a script to a producer without scaring them off, here are some necessary steps to take:

• Look for the producer’s website or social media profile.

• If the profile is public, send them a friend request online.

• Take the time to get to know them before trying to present your project to them.

• When the time is right, proceed to present your idea to them. The best time is when they ask for it.

Try to find producers who are producing movies similar to the ones you want to make, if your goal is to sell a romantic comedy script, for example, Jason Blum and the people from “Paranormal Activity” probably won’t be your best choice. If you’re going to learn how to sell a script, one of the most important things to understand is that you need to find a producer who has an idea for your project and who has experience making those kinds of movies.