
How Does Gaviscon Heartburn Help Acid Reflux?

Gaviscon Heartburn

Gaviscon is one of the most popular prescription medicines for heartburn. This is a synthetic formula that consists of the following ingredients: calcium carbonate, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydrochloride, potassium hydrochloride and sodium saccharin. These ingredients are combined in a solution to form a gel that acts like stomach acid and reduces the rate of production of acid in the stomach. It is used to treat acid reflux and other stomach problems including acid indigestion. Some people also use it to treat problems associated with the lower esophageal sphincter, tracheoesophageal valve, proton pump inhibitors, asthma and gastric reflux disease.

Gaviscon suppliers

It is taken as a pill and should be taken at least one hour before meals. It works best when taken within the first half an hour after eating a meal and until half an hour before going to bed at night. Some people experience heartburn while they are taking this drug, but this usually goes away. It is advised to not lie down immediately after taking gaviscon heartburn medication. If you experience difficulty swallowing, this could be due to stomach acid backing up into the throat.

Side effects of gaviscon include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and itching in the mouth. Although these symptoms may seem alarming, they are usually mild and can be easily treated by drinking a glass of water or by eating a small amount of food. Milder side effects may include a burning sensation in the chest or throat and sore throat. If you experience any of these, the doctor will probably advise you to eat smaller meals more frequently to help ease the pain. It is also important to note that acid reflux is not the only condition that causes heartburn.

How Does Gaviscon Heartburn Help Acid Reflux?

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the throat. In order to cure heartburn, you need to find the exact cause of the problem. Some medical conditions can actually make it worse, such as an abnormally shaped esophagus, certain medications and even pregnancy. Sometimes, this condition is caused by swallowing the wrong kind of food or having ill-fitting dentures. The best way to find out the cause of your heartburn is to visit your doctor. There are different types of heartburn treatments available, depending on how serious the problem is.

For most people who suffer from occasional heartburn, antacids or over-the-counter medicines are sufficient to control the problem. In more severe cases, medications such as proton pump inhibitors (PRI) or prokinetic agents (PK) or V2 inhibitors may be required. These drugs work by reducing the amount of acid produced by the stomach. People who suffer from more severe acid reflux may need to take these medications on a regular basis for several months.

Many sufferers find that changing their lifestyle and getting more exercise helps to reduce the frequency and severity of heartburn episodes. This has led to the development of an increasingly popular remedy called the Gaviscon acid. This natural remedy contains proven effective ingredients and is completely safe. It reduces the acidity of the stomach and relieves symptoms such as nausea and chest pain associated with heartburn. If you are suffering from heartburn, the best thing you can do is to get a diagnosis from your doctor and determine the root cause of the problem.