Arts Entertainments

Gynecomastia makes men feel feminine, insecure

Men love boobs, right? Well, not always. For approximately 30 to 40 percent of men who suffer from some form of gynecomastia, the boobs are unfortunately on their own breasts.

The fat deposits that accumulate in the chest area of ​​men have been jokingly referred to as “man boobs” for years. But for many men and teens, gynecomastia is anything but fun.

Many teens have suffered so much teasing and emotional torment over their condition that they have turned to plastic surgery to correct it. This would explain the significant increase in male breast reduction surgeries every year.

The type of gynecomastia that most men experience is actually pseudogynecomastia, which means that your chest area has the appearance of breasts, but is actually only made up of adipose tissue (regular fat). Most men simply develop these characteristics from being overweight and having some fat stored in their chest. Often times, men who dabbled in bodybuilding and then left it find pseudo-gynecomastic breasts where their pectoral muscles used to be when the muscle transforms and sinks.

Some believe that it is not just overeating, but also what you eat that determines whether or not you will develop pseudogynecomastia. For example, beer and soy products contain chemicals called phytoestrogens that behave similarly to the hormone estrogen that is made in the body. This female hormone is responsible for storing fat in the chest, hips, belly, and thighs. The daily consumption of these products can position a man’s weight gain in places peculiar to his shape.

Proper gynecomastia, however, is a bit different. In this case, the male breast is made up totally or partially of glandular breast tissue. Therefore, losing weight will not help and surgery may be the only option to remove them. Breast tissue often forms during the developmental years when hormones run amok. Because estrogen exists in both men and women, its presence in men sometimes results in breast formation. Male adolescents are generally advised to wait, because the condition may resolve in a matter of one to two years as hormone levels balance out.

Other culprits may include certain estrogen-containing medications, steroids, or liver failure. Each patient should be given a medical evaluation before going to surgery.

For the unfortunate group that doesn’t get over it, corrective plastic surgery is always an option. For men suffering from pseudogynecomastia, a simple liposuction is applied to the chest. For men with true gynecomastia, lip sucking is combined with an incisional removal of the breast tissue.

Recovery time is minimal. Bruising and pain are a normal reaction to surgery. Patients are advised to stay in bed for the first three days or so. You may well be back on your feet and working in a few days, this time with a renewed sense of confidence.