Shopping Product Reviews

Biofit – The BioFit Encounter Review

The BioFit Encounter Review

Biofit Encounter is a direct selling company that promotes health and wellness through various mediums. A major component of their marketing mix is the “bio-xploitation” theory, which basically means that they promote healing through nutrition. According to the Biofit website, this is a direct selling company that recognizes that nutrition is a key component to good health and longevity. Therefore, they are not only promoting their own product, but also their own theory, which promotes healing through nutrition. What makes their theory so controversial is that traditional medical practices often do not factor into an individual’s disease or illness. This is because conventional medicine has failed to identify the true cause of an ailment and thus treat it properly, whereas the Biofit diet does not have such a problem.

Another aspect of the controversial theory is that people who have chosen to follow the Biofit diet are immune to any ill effects brought about by conventional dieting methods. This is because the premise of Biofit is that people are sick with a lifestyle problem, rather than a lack of a diet or any abnormalities in the body. Therefore, they say that the immune system is being blocked from fighting off these diseases through the body, therefore allowing the illness to manifest itself externally. On the face of it, this sounds reasonable. After all, if you go to your doctor and tell him or her that you believe you have an illness that can be treated only through medication, then the illness will almost certainly surface and will most likely require medication. Biofit has also said that most people who follow its diet do not become ill or develop any diseases.


The company’s other claims are also a bit questionable. For instance, on its website, it states: “We believe that when you work hard, play hard, and eat right you will live a long healthy life. Our belief is that you get what you pay for and that nothing should come between you and the things that are important to you.” These words do sound a bit egotistical, and at the same time, there is no evidence that direct selling is truly how to live a long, happy life. Moreover, direct selling is known for recruiting people who are less than willing to put in the time to make a healthy dieting plan work.

Biofit – The BioFit Encounter Review

Another aspect of the Biofit story that worries some people is the “secret” that they sell. According to this story, a man was unhappy with his appearance and began to gain weight. He then attempted many different diets, none of which worked. Then he reached out to his local doctor, who told him about a new weight loss program that he had just come across, and that it worked!

After this success, this person decided to tell his story to other direct selling customers. It turns out that this person received letters from other direct selling companies offering him new “direct selling opportunities” in exchange for his Biofit membership. This confused him, as he had thought that he was being offered a chance to make money by direct selling a product that he had not yet tried. When he spoke to his direct selling representative, however, he learned that this was not a legitimate opportunity, and that he could not make money this way. His representative, however, encouraged him to try Biofit because it was “free”.

He decided to take advantage of the opportunity, and signed up for a two week dieting course. Unfortunately, he did not lose any weight during this two week trial. When he asked the dieting instructor what he should do to make sure that he lost weight, he was told to make sure that he was consistent with his exercise. He did and lost fourteen pounds in the first week. Thus, the Biofit story is not entirely true: although the exercise and dieting program that he used did help him lose weight, he did not do it by following the advice given to him by the direct selling company.