Health Fitness

Absolutely most fattening foods and ingredients

quick history

The foods that people mainly ate in the early 20th century were full-fat dairy, meats, white flour, fruits, and vegetables. Many more animal fats and butter were incorporated. At that time, only 10% of all deaths were related to heart disease. Between 1920 and 1955, heart disease rose to a staggering 40% of all deaths.

A “lipid hypothesis” was formed to explain the rapid rise in heart disease. Scientists found that cholesterol levels increased with increased dietary fat intake, and excess cholesterol was observed in heart disease victims. Therefore, they hypothesized that heart disease must be the result of excessive fat consumption.

The USDA published the first compilation of dietary guidelines in 1977. Americans were advised to avoid refined sugars, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Instead of animal and saturated fats, Americans were induced to consume more polyunsaturated fats and fructose. The guidelines clearly say: choose low-fat and fat-free products.

The guidelines in 1982 were changed to further reduce fat intake. They were endorsed by all the major health organizations even though the obesity rate rose to an all-time high of 34% from 15% in 1982.

1. Starchy foods (carbohydrates)

Research shows that obesity is more linked to carbohydrate intake, not fat. Americans have been led to believe that eating fat makes you fat, but the opposite is true. Carbohydrates are not the same as fat, but when they enter our body, they are converted to fat under certain conditions.

Blood sugar rises as a result of carbohydrate ingestion, and insulin is secreted to deliver carbohydrates to cells for energy supply. Carbohydrates are also stored for future energy demands by the liver. Triglycerides are formed as a result of the creation of vLDL by the liver.

High amounts of triglycerides have been observed time and time again in obese people and victims of heart disease. Hardened arteries and plaque formation result from triglycerides in the blood.

Excessive intake of carbohydrates leads to many other complications. After a while, the pancreas tries to “predict” how much insulin is needed. This early stage of insulin resistance leads to low blood glucose levels. The brain cannot function in this hypoglycemic state, because it needs 30-40% blood glucose for energy. The brain also does not receive any signal that you are full, because the hormone leptin cannot access the brain.

Type 2 diabetes is the result of the metabolic syndrome, which is preceded by insulin resistance. When leptin isn’t working properly and blood sugar is low, you crave more carbs because your brain needs their fuel. Cravings for carbohydrates or a “sweet tooth” are the direct result of this dangerous cycle. Insulin resistance also causes depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, inability to think clearly, memory loss, and constant fatigue.

“Healthy” foods like brown rice and whole wheat bread still cause insulin surges.

2. Foods High in Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs)

It is my opinion that the truth, that a high fat diet is a smart choice, is being hidden from Americans, because it is cheaper to provide carbohydrate based foods. Protein has been seen to raise insulin levels just like carbohydrates. If cereals are bad and excess protein is bad, then we are left with fats, but which ones?

Going back in time, something must have influenced us to move away from animal and saturated fats in the 1920s. Proctor & Gamble devised a way to extract, refine, and partially hydrogenate oils in 1911. Consequently, people replaced butter, lard, and animal fats for margarine and vegetable oils that were considered “heart-healthy.”

Polyunsaturated fat is primarily made up of a combination of omega-3 and primarily omega-6 fatty acids. The omega 6:omega 3 ratio is not healthy in vegetable oils. Omega-3 cannot do its job when too much omega-6 is ingested, leading to many complications and health risks.

Clinical studies and statistical experiments link PUFAs to obesity, with linoleic acid (omega 6) being the culprit. A healthy ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is 1:2 – 1:4.

3. Foods that contain trans fats (hydrogenated oils)

Trans fats are neither unsaturated nor saturated, they are partially hydrogenated. They were used as hardening agents and to extend shelf life.

Many foods have been stripped of trans fat these days as many experts have noted a significant link to obesity and heart disease.

4. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and/or Sucrose

Why is there HFCS in so many products when we know it’s bad? Some people view it as toxic, but it has been in food since 1975. Fructose makes up about 50% of HFCS and exactly 50% of sucrose. They can be considered the same in terms of how our body treats them.

When fat was removed from our foods, fructose was used as a replacement. HFCS was so cheap that it kept the price of sugar from fluctuating.

The low fat food tasted normal with the addition of HFCS.

What’s wrong with fructose?

  • Ghrelin remains unsuppressed, which makes you hungry.
  • The hormones that tell you that you are full are not working.
  • Only the liver metabolizes fructose. The liver uses only 20% of the glucose, because most of it is sent to the cells of the body. Fructose is toxic like alcohol and therefore 100% is metabolized in the liver.
  • It leads to metabolic syndrome in no time.
  • The liver converts a large amount into triglycerides, about 30%.
  • It produces a dangerous waste product, uric acid, which causes high blood pressure and gout.
  • It is one of the main causes of obesity and insulin resistance.

Nobody realizes how bad HFCS is, and it’s found in everything from juice to marinated steak. Stay away from fructose if you value your health and don’t want to be obese.

5. fiber-free foods

Only fiber can counteract fructose. Fiber is difficult to cook and eat, so it has been removed from almost all foods. This also helped to store and freeze food. The best way to combat obesity is with fiber and more omega-3. Fiber overrides carbohydrates, for example, the sucrose in fruits becomes safe due to the fiber content. People only eat an average of 12 grams of fiber per day; it used to be 100-300 grams.

6. Soy

Soybeans are the second largest crop produced in the United States. American companies use unfermented soybeans, which are nothing like the fermented soybeans used by Asian cultures. Soy is made up of chemicals so bad that going into each one specifically would double the length of this article.

Soy plays a role in so many diseases and cancers, and it also damages your organs. Minimize intake as best you can, as it is found in almost any regular or “health” food.

final thoughts

The best is a diet that minimizes carbohydrates. The focus should be on healthy fats from some meats and dairy. Avoid all the ingredients mentioned here as they only work against you.